Fall postcard swap and new stitchery

Now that I’m really prioritizing art (“arting,” as I said in my last post), it’s amazing how much I get done. Some days are still full of appointments and errands, but many days, like today, I do just what I feel like doing. It’s a beautiful, sunny, crisp fall day after some heavy (much needed) rain, so first I took the dog to the dog park. Now I’ll have fun sharing what I’ve been up to.

Meditation cards and meditation stitching are two of my favorite activities.

Faces in the window (5×7 inch meditaiton card, collage)

Medititation stitching. I think the last one is my favorite so far.

Finally, all 10 postcards are ready for the fall ihanna international swap. This is my 10th year of doing this swap, and I enjoy making, sending and receiving cards to and from all over the world. Except for the watercolor and the stitched cards, they are all collage and/or mixed media, and all are 4×6 inches.

Moon & Jupiter/Pearl & Diamond (watercolor and drops of Gorilla glue)

Gold stitched pansies. It was fun merging meditation stitching into a postcard.

Soft Landing in the Grand Canal

Gang Aft Agley (Robert Burns) (with ColorAid paper)

Hawk and blue Magritte bowler

Sterling Pen Nib (mixed media)

Isles of Sky (mixed media)

River Ness Monster

Faces in Windows (inspired by the “Faces in the Window” meditation card

“Huge pink Mardi Gras squid lands on a cruise ship, which tries to escape on the bicycle, but it’s blocked by the rocks and giant alien beets from outer space. The flowers are just for decoration.” (Needless to say, I had a lot of fun naming this piece)

With the holidays coming up, I probably won’t be this productive, but I do an original Christmas card every year, and I always have projects going–knitting, stitching…the list never ends, for which I am grateful, and never bored.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!

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