Art is a Verb

Now that I am able to (somewhat) prioritize art, I recently told someone, when I was frustrated with annoying household and homeowner chores, that was tired of “adulting” and wanted to “art” instead.

So now when I need to get to work on a new collage or stitchery piece, or go to my art group, I’ve decied that I’m arting.

I recently read a book, “Your Brain on Art,” which explores the many neurological, pscyhological and physiological benefits of art. One term I like is “flow.” There is nothing more satisfying than getting so deep into a project that you lose track of time. Being someone who is usually trying to Get Things Done, getting in a flow state while painting, stitching or collaging gives me great peace and joy.

There are still dozens of distractions and responsibilties, but I’m happiest when I’m arting. Here are some of my recent projects:

Meditation cards:

I call this “Eight-legged camel.” I thought it was one camel until somone pointed out the extra legs.

It’s so hot I put penguins in a banana boat.

A Summer Dessert

Pelican. (I enjoy putting animals in odd places.) The teeth on the lower right are Terry Bradshaw’s.


Meditation squares for the first anniversary of my husband’s death. He looked so good in red and black.

Works in progress:

Stitching is so relaxing and I can do it while watching TV or listening to podcasts. Eventually the veggies will have decorative stitching, maybe beads and/or ribbons.


An asymmetrical variegated shawl, with one more ball of purple to go.

I bought myself some sari ribbon. It’s made from scraps left over from making silk saris. I can’t wait to use it in my stitching, but in the meantime it decorates a door!

Finally, granddaughter and I are staying out of the heat and having an art afternoon.

Coincidentally, we’re both working on books, mine a repurposed 2020 day planner (which of course became useless in mid-March) and hers something beautiful and leather-bound. She likes the contrast of her young hands and my old hands. I just love arting with her.

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4 responses to “Art is a Verb”

  1. Jan Pickett says :

    All I know to say is wow! I am so happy to see all the beautiful work that you are doing and that you and Chloe are working together. And the hand photo is lovely.💜

  2. Laurie Graves says :

    From the snappy collages to the beautiful knitting, such wonderful creativity. Flow is a state that I love and fortunately is not difficult for me to achieve, even with mundane chores. Of course, it is better when it comes with creative projects. May the flow be with you.

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  1. Fall postcard swap and new stitchery | JILLYBEANS - November 14, 2023

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