A Bit of Everything

Now that my life is settling down after years of moving, ice storms, moving again, my husband’s illness and death, taking care of a household and a dog, volunteer work (church, singing in a choral group), I am at a point that I can prioritize my own art. Partly by nature and partly from the kinds of work I’ve done, I do better working on multiple projects rather than focusing for hours on one.

The spring ihanna swap is finished, and I sent my 10 cards. These are the final three. (The rest are on a previous post.)

Can you tell I really love Scotland? Especially Inverness and Loch Ness.

I actually received 10 cards this time (which is not always the case–sometimes eight or nine is a good haul). Here are the cards I received, coming from all over the U.S. and as far away as Canada, the Netherlands and Australia.

My granddaughter loves fairies, so she snagged this one.

Now for some recent meditation cards:

I’m into animals poking their heads out of windows.

I’ve been stitching:

Made from silk material that once was a dress that didn’t fit.

I call this one “Celebrating Pride Month,” or “Let’s Piss Off Ron DeSantis.”

Finally, knitting, which I do while watching HGTV or, lately, binge watching “The Good Place,” which I enjoy so much I’ve gone back to the beginning to catch episodes I missed.

The community center where my art group meets often gets donated craft supplies, so I’ve been making scarves to give as gifts or donate.

I’m also communications chair for my church, so I’m helping with design and updating publications and the website. I’ve been reading quite a lot: two books by Alice Steinbach, Without Reservations, and Educating Alice, both fascinating travel memoirs. (I am presenting a memoir writing workshop at a conference this summer, so I need all the references I can find!)

Whew. To (ironically) quote Calvin and Hobbes:

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  1. Fall postcard swap and new stitchery | JILLYBEANS - November 14, 2023

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